Welcome To Little Buddha's Moral-Arts!

Welcome To Little Buddha's Moral-Arts!

We Build Confidence And Self-esteem In Teens Through The Practice Of Traditional Storytelling

host (1600 × 1200 px) (8)

We Build Confidence And Self-esteem In Teens Through The Practice Of Traditional Storytelling

What's inside L.B's StoryBuilders™?

Little Buddha's Moral Arts proudly presents StoryBuilders™, the live virtual storytelling program that helps teens build confidence and self-esteem so they can show up in the world with main character energy.

Build Your Teens Confidence In 3 Simple Steps!

Nothing impacts our confidence more than the story we tell ourselves - about ourselves. In this program, teens learn to glean universal truths from life's experiences and create delectable tales designed to ignite curiosity, self-discovery, and age-appropriate fun!

What's inside L.B's StoryBuilders™?

Little Buddha's Moral Arts proudly presents "StoryBuilders", the live virtual storytelling program that helps teens build confidence and self-esteem so they can show up in the world with main character energy.

host (1600 × 1200 px) (8)

"Nothing impacts our confidence more than the story we tell ourselves - about ourselves. In this program, teens learn to glean universal truths from life's experiences and create delectable tales designed to ignite curiosity, self-discovery, and age-appropriate fun!" 

Build Your Teens Confidence In 3 Simple Steps!

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host (1600 × 1200 px) (20)

During this six-week program, your teen's confidence will bloom as they transform their meaningful experiences into unique, fun, wisdom-filled stories to share with family and friends!

During this six-week program, your teen's confidence will bloom as they transform their meaningful experiences into unique, fun, wisdom-filled stories to share with family and friends!

Unlock These Storytelling Gifts When You Enroll!

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host (1600 × 1200 px) (Phone Wallpaper) (26)
host (1600 × 1200 px) (Phone Wallpaper) (27)

Registration Opens Soon!

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Start My StoryBuilders™ Journey Today!

Looking For More Individual Attention? Book Neshamah For A One-On-One Experience And Develop Your Story At Your Own Pace!